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Skype Launches Live English-Spanish Video Conference Software

In the past 10 years, we have come a long way in our abilities to find effective tools of communication to help diminish time constrains, particularly when it involves different locations around the globe. In these 10 years, we have seen all sorts of e-learning programs and web conference systems get more and more sophisticated to help cross borders and allow loads of material and information to be transferred cohesively across cultures and individuals of different nationalities.

One company that has been investing these 10 years in evolving in this direction is Skype. We all remember how it was mostly an internet chat program that eventually allowed phone calls from computers to cell phones as well as web-conferencing. For a company so widely known in all continents, there was yet one last milestone, and it seems they have finally achieved it.

If you are global, and your main focus is communication, it only makes sense you would invest in some form of translation tool, and apparently Skype has taken this sentiment to heart. Skype released its Translator Preview for Skype’s Windows app on Monday. The software translates spoken audio and uses speech recognition, speech-to-text and a machine voice to perform live translations while on a conference call. This allows communication back and forth between speakers of different languages.

Currently, the live audio (and speech-to-text) system is only supported in Spanish and English, however more languages are planned to be added. Even with the current language pair limitation, you can still benefit from using their translation capabilities in 40 different languages supported in the text chat portion of Skype. If you are curious, you can check the preview on Skype’s YouTube channel:

While we have yet to see how accurate the translations might be, there is no denying this is a step in the right direction and will be a great tool for global companies and for educators alike.


Les langues
Acadian French | Acateco | Accented English | Accented French | Achi | Acholi | Afar | African French | Afrikaans | Aguacateco | Akan | Albanian | Alur | Alutiiq | Amharic | Amish German | Amuzgo | Angolan French | Angolan Portuguese | Algerian Arabic | Arabic Bahrain | Arabic | Egyptian Arabic | Jordanian Arabic | Arabic Kuwait | Arabic Lebanon | Arabic Modern | Moroccan Arabic | Arabic Oman | Palestinian Arabic | Arabic Qatar | Saudi Arabian Arabic | Syrian Arabic | Tunisian Arabic | Arabic (UAE) | Arabic Yemen | Armenian | Assamese | Awakatek | Aymara | Azerbaijani | Azeri | Bambara | Basque | Belarusian | Bemba | Bengali | Berber | Bikol | Bislama | Bodo | Bosnian | Bulgarian | Burmese | Burundi | Cajun French | Cambodian | Cantonese (Guangdong) | Cape Verdian | Carolinian... | Catalan | Cebuano | Chalchiteko | Chamorro | Chatino | Ch’orti’ | Chechua | Cherokee | Chin | Cantonese (China) | Mandarin | Traditional Mandarin | Chinese (Singapore) | Chinese (Taiwan) | Chol | Chuj | Chuukese | Cree | Croatian | Czech | Dagbani | Danish | Dari | Darija | Dinka | Dutch | Dzongkha | English | African English | Australian English | British English | Canadian English | Indian English | Irish English | New Zealand English | Scottish English | South African English | American English | Estonian | Ewe | Fante | Faroese | Farsi | Fijian | Finnish | Flemish | French Belgian | Canadian French | French Congo | French | Moroccan French | Swiss French | Tunisian French | Frisian | Fukienese | Fula | Futunan | Ga | Galician | Garifuna | Garo | Georgian | Austrian German | German | Swiss German | Greek | Greek Cyprus | Guarani | Gujarati | Haitian Creole | Hakka Chin | Hausa | Hawaiian | Hawaiian | Hazaragi | Hebrew | Hiligaynon | Hindi | Hmong | Hopi | Huichol | Hungarian | Icelandic | Igbo | Ilocano | Indonesian | Inuit | Inuktitut | Italian | Swiss Italian | Ixil | Jakalteco | Jamaican Creole | Japanese | Javanese | Kanjobal | Kannada | Kapampangan | Kaqchikel | Kaqchikel | Karen | Kashmiri | Kasmiri | Kazakh | Khasi | Khmer | Kiche | Kinyarwanda | Kiribatese | Kirundi | Konkani | Korean | Kosraean | Krio | Kurdish | Kyrgyz | Laotian | Latvian | Lebanese | Lingala Congo | Lithuanian | Lu Mien | Luganda | Luxembourgish | Maasai | Maay Maay | Macedonian | Malagasy | Malay | Malayalam | Maltese | Mam | Mandinka | Manipuri | Maori | Marathi | Marshallese | Maya | Mende | Miskito | Mixteco | Mizo | Mongolian | Montenegrin | Mopan | Nagamese | Nahuatl | Navajo | Ndebele | Nepali | Nigerian Pidgin | Niuean | Norwegian | Nuer | Ojibway | Ojibwe | Oriya | Oromo | Otomí | Palauan | Papiamento | Papiamentu | Pashto | Pohnpeian | Pokot | Polish | Popti | Poqomam | Poqomchi | Angolan Portuguese | Brazilian Portuguese | Portuguese Creole | European Portuguese | Portuguese Mozambique | Punjabi | Purépecha | Q'eqchi | Qeqchi | Quechua | Quiche | Rapa Nui | Rarotongan | Rohingya | Romanian | Rotooro | Rundi | Russian | Sakapulteco | Samoan | Sanskrit | Sámi | Scottish Gaelic | Sepedi | Serbian | Sesotho | Setswana | Shona | Sinhala | Sipakapense | Siswati | Slovak | Slovenian | Soloman Islands Pidgin | Somali | Soninke | Soninke | Sotho | Spanish | Argentinian Spanish | Chilean Spanish | Colombian Spanish | Costa Rican Spanish | Cuban Spanish | Dominican Republic Spanish | Ecuadorian Spanish | Salvadorian Spanish | Guatemalan Spanish | Spanish Honduras | Mexican Spanish | Neutral Spanish | Spanish Panama | Paraguayan Spanish | Peruvian Spanish | Puerto Rican Spanish | Spanish (Spain) | Uruguayan Spanish | Venezuelan Spanish | Swahili | Swazi | Swedish | Tachaouit | Tagalog | Tahitian | Taiwanese | Tajik | Takbalit | Tamazight | Tamil | Tarasco | Tartarian | Tatar | Tektiteko | Telugu | Temne | Thai | Tibetan | Tigrinya | Tojolobal | Tok Pisan | Tongan | Trique | Tshivenda | Tsonga | Tswana | Tulu | Turkana | Turkish | Turkish Cyprus | Turkmen | Tuvaluan | Twi | Tzeltal | Tzotzil | Tzutujil | Ukrainian | Urdu | Uspanteko | Uzbek | Valencian | North Vietnamese | South Vietnamese | Wallisian | Waray | Welsh | Wolof | Xhosa | Yapese | Yiddish | Yoruba | Yupik | Zapoteco | Zoque | ZuluMontre plus [+]
Talents de voix
Acadian French Speakers | Accented English Speakers | African French Speakers | Afrikaans Speakers | Albanian Speakers | Amharic Speakers | Angolan Portuguese Speakers | Algerian Arabic Speakers | Arabic Bahrain Speakers | Arabic Speakers | Egyptian Arabic Speakers | Jordanian Arabic Speakers | Arabic Kuwait Speakers | Arabic Lebanon Speakers | Moroccan Arabic Speakers | Arabic Oman Speakers | Palestinian Arabic Speakers | Arabic Qatar Speakers | Saudi Arabian Arabic Speakers | Syrian Arabic Speakers | Tunisian Arabic Speakers | Arabic (UAE) Speakers | Armenian Speakers | Assamese Speakers | Azeri Speakers | Bambara Speakers | Basque Speakers | Belarusian Speakers | Bemba Speakers | Bengali Speakers | Bosnian Speakers | Bulgarian Speakers | Burmese Speakers | Cajun French Speakers | Cambodian Speakers | Cantonese (Guangdong) Speakers | Catalan Speakers | Chin Speakers | Cantonese (China) Speakers | Mandarin Speakers... | Traditional Mandarin Speakers | Chinese (Singapore) Speakers | Chinese (Taiwan) Speakers | Chuukese Speakers | Croatian Speakers | Czech Speakers | Dagbani Speakers | Danish Speakers | Dari Speakers | Dinka Speakers | Dutch Speakers | Dzongkha Speakers | African English Speakers | Australian English Speakers | British English Speakers | Canadian English Speakers | Indian English Speakers | Irish English Speakers | New Zealand English Speakers | Scottish English Speakers | South African English Speakers | American English Speakers | Estonian Speakers | Ewe Speakers | Farsi Speakers | Finnish Speakers | Flemish Speakers | French Belgian Speakers | Canadian French Speakers | French Congo Speakers | French Speakers | Moroccan French Speakers | Swiss French Speakers | Tunisian French Speakers | Ga Speakers | Galician Speakers | Georgian Speakers | Austrian German Speakers | German Speakers | Swiss German Speakers | Greek Speakers | Gujarati Speakers | Haitian Creole Speakers | Hausa Speakers | Hawaiian Speakers | Hebrew Speakers | Hindi Speakers | Hmong Speakers | Hungarian Speakers | Icelandic Speakers | Igbo Speakers | Ilocano Speakers | Indonesian Speakers | Italian Speakers | Swiss Italian Speakers | Japanese Speakers | Kannada Speakers | Karen Speakers | Kashmiri Speakers | Kazakh Speakers | Khasi Speakers | Khmer Speakers | Kinyarwanda Speakers | Kirundi Speakers | Konkani Speakers | Korean Speakers | Krio Speakers | Kurdish Speakers | Kyrgyz Speakers | Laotian Speakers | Latvian Speakers | Lebanese Speakers | Lingala Congo Speakers | Lithuanian Speakers | Luxembourgish Speakers | Macedonian Speakers | Malagasy Speakers | Malay Speakers | Malayalam Speakers | Maltese Speakers | Mandinka Speakers | Manipuri Speakers | Maori Speakers | Marathi Speakers | Marshallese Speakers | Mizo Speakers | Mongolian Speakers | Montenegrin Speakers | Nagamese Speakers | Navajo Speakers | Nepali Speakers | Nigerian Pidgin Speakers | Norwegian Speakers | Nuer Speakers | Oriya Speakers | Oromo Speakers | Papiamento Speakers | Pashto Speakers | Polish Speakers | Angolan Portuguese Speakers | Brazilian Portuguese Speakers | European Portuguese Speakers | Portuguese Mozambique Speakers | Punjabi Speakers | Rohingya Speakers | Romanian Speakers | Russian Speakers | Samoan Speakers | Serbian Speakers | Sesotho Speakers | Shona Speakers | Sinhala Speakers | Slovak Speakers | Slovenian Speakers | Somali Speakers | Sotho Speakers | Argentinian Spanish Speakers | Chilean Spanish Speakers | Colombian Spanish Speakers | Costa Rican Spanish Speakers | Cuban Spanish Speakers | Dominican Republic Spanish Speakers | Ecuadorian Spanish Speakers | Salvadorian Spanish Speakers | Guatemalan Spanish Speakers | Mexican Spanish Speakers | Neutral Spanish Speakers | Spanish Panama Speakers | Puerto Rican Spanish Speakers | Spanish (Spain) Speakers | Uruguayan Spanish Speakers | Venezuelan Spanish Speakers | Swahili Speakers | Swedish Speakers | Tagalog Speakers | Taiwanese Speakers | Tajik Speakers | Tamazight Speakers | Tamil Speakers | Tartarian Speakers | Telugu Speakers | Thai Speakers | Tibetan Speakers | Tigrinya Speakers | Tongan Speakers | Tswana Speakers | Turkish Speakers | Twi Speakers | Ukrainian Speakers | Urdu Speakers | Uzbek Speakers | North Vietnamese Speakers | South Vietnamese Speakers | Welsh Speakers | Xhosa Speakers | Yoruba Speakers | Zulu SpeakersMontre plus [+]