The most popular fonts in Mainland China include:
The most popular font in Mainland China is Songti which is characterized by thin, straight horizontals, thick verticals and flourishes/serifs. Look at this songti character:
The Songti font has a long history and is the most classic font of all Chinese fonts. Another popular font is MS Yahei. All other fonts are considered more decorative in nature and are most commonly used for a headlines, greeting cards, brochures and marketing materials and more.
We were recently asked to proof a Korean formatted layout file in PDF against a Word file and were questioned about several Korean characters that looked different on the PDF than on the translated Word file. Our Korean team then explained in detail the differences in appearance of a character depending on the font used and also depending on their position within a sentence.
There are a few songs that were so famous that they were translated into different languages and then sung in those languages. One song that comes to mind is “itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka-dot bikini”. You can find that song in many languages, even including languages such as Finnish and Serbian.